Tuesday 31 May 2011

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater...

"More than one third of the approximately 205 million pregnancies that occur each year worldwide are unintended and about 20% of them end in induced abortion." - Wikipedia

So there I was on Sunday, sitting in a hospital while my best friend was going through the traumatic abortion experience.

Obviously this is a rather controversial topic so I can understand if people choose to get quite passionate over this... 

Anyway, back to my best friend. We went together to the 'Central Health Clinic' in town where she went in for a scan, some blood and urine tests and a consultation to decide if abortion was right for her. Turned out she was only 6 weeks pregnant (we originally were told 11, which was quite a lot more distressing to think about). She opted for the 'Early Medical Abortion' - You basically take a tablet, wait a while in the clinic, then go home. A couple of days later, you are given some 'vaginal pessaries' which cause the womb to contract and the pregnancy to be 'expelled'. This option is pretty much just like a miscarriage, other than that it's induced.

It's not pleasant, not gonna lie. They get you to go to the loo in a cardboard container (looks a bit like an inside out cowboy hat, haha) but it basically all comes out. Pretty graphic. I went to the loo myself at one point and someone had left one of these containers in there. Not nice. Probably wouldn't have been able to cope looking at it if I hadn't seen it all before, not that I've been through abortion, but at the age of 17 I did have a miscarriage under 10 weeks. That was definitely more horrible though I think, I didn't get pain killers or hospital conditions - I just sat at home in pain :(

Equally as distressing is typing 'abortion' into Google Images. Seriously. Don't do it!

I'm assuming due to the lack of NHS funding and overcrowding in these places was the reason for 4 beds in one room separated by a curtain. You can hear everything that's going on in all the other beds, it's not really too nice hearing another woman telling her partner or the nurse about what's being 'expelled' into the cardboard cowboy hats... Although probably the most distressing part was hearing a 15yr old girl sobbing.

Most amusing thing of the day was definitely walking into the waiting area and seeing 'The Book of Mormon' sat there on the book shelf... Oh the irony of it!

Barack Obama - The first 'Pro-Abortion' US President
I can't say I totally agree with aborting a pregnancy. In fact, I don't agree with it at all. However, I feel like if it's in the best interest of the potential mother, then it should be ok. My friend was doing it because she's in her 2nd year of Uni and couldn't financially support a child at this time in her life. The 15 year old, well, she's 15. I just worry that it would emotionally mess up a person, both in the short and long terms, knowing that they've basically killed their own child.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so horrible..never want to experience that :(
