Wednesday 11 May 2011


It is quite difficult to write about such things without sounding prejudiced, or sexist, but still giving it a humourous spin. I'll give it a go...!

Just to clarify, I don't personally think I am a lesbian. This is merely about the strange exposure to lesbianism I seem to have had recently.

I was brought up as a Mormon. For those who don't know, a lot of mormon kids seem to be pretty sheltered by their parents. As a child/pre-adolescent teen, I wasn't exposed to films rated over 15, allowed to listen to music with swearing, or watch TV with 'inappropriate content' - this included soaps like Eastenders or even Grange Hill.

Consequently my 'gay-dar' is atrocious. I find it really difficult to spot gay people for the simple fact that I don't really expect it of people. Someone else usually would have to point it out to me before I realised. Unless it was super-obvious, which is a bit different I suppose.

As previously stated, I have had a lot of 'exposure' to homosexuality lately. My boss is 'bisexual' and lives with her very gay girlfriend (who I also work with). I've worked there for nearly two years now but only found this out about 6 months ago (despite their relationship having been going on for over a year...) I was really surprised! I didn't even click!

I spent the day with my boss on Saturday. Not going to lie, it was very interesting. Especially as she seems really up for maybe getting married to a man and having kids in a few years. She's also quite hard on her girlfriend for being a full lesbian. Anyway, I've never really spent social time with a lesbian/bisexual person before, and it was a bit weird for me (thanks to my upbringing) to find her such a normal kind of person to hang out with, not in a sexist way, but in a naive way.

I also recently found out that one of the trainee managers (who has moved away now) was also gay, yet another shock! Only guessed because of all the gay banter about and with her.

There's a woman/man in the coffee shop across the road that apparently had a sex-change from a male to female and is rumoured to still has a wife and kids. This I find incredibly strange. How and why would a woman let her husband go off and get a sex change?! What about the kids?!

There's also some random woman in the kitchen that is definitely a gay. 

Anyway, not really sure what else to write about, other than that there's a lot of rumours going around that I'm a lesbian - which I'm not btw.

So, Some Amusing Quotes...

"Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a rather archaic usage of the word. Should one of you boys happen upon a girl who doesn't put out, do not jump to the conclusion that you have found a lady. What you have probably found is a lesbian."
Fran Lebowitz

"It's so tiring to make love to women, it takes forever. I'm too lazy to be a lesbian."
Camille Paglia

"I am not a lesbian and I am not a slut, and somehow I am going to make people believe me."
Vanessa Williams 

"I am not, I repeat, NOT a lesbian - even though I'd like to be one when I grow up."
Dawn French

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