Tuesday 31 May 2011

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater...

"More than one third of the approximately 205 million pregnancies that occur each year worldwide are unintended and about 20% of them end in induced abortion." - Wikipedia

So there I was on Sunday, sitting in a hospital while my best friend was going through the traumatic abortion experience.

Obviously this is a rather controversial topic so I can understand if people choose to get quite passionate over this... 

Anyway, back to my best friend. We went together to the 'Central Health Clinic' in town where she went in for a scan, some blood and urine tests and a consultation to decide if abortion was right for her. Turned out she was only 6 weeks pregnant (we originally were told 11, which was quite a lot more distressing to think about). She opted for the 'Early Medical Abortion' - You basically take a tablet, wait a while in the clinic, then go home. A couple of days later, you are given some 'vaginal pessaries' which cause the womb to contract and the pregnancy to be 'expelled'. This option is pretty much just like a miscarriage, other than that it's induced.

It's not pleasant, not gonna lie. They get you to go to the loo in a cardboard container (looks a bit like an inside out cowboy hat, haha) but it basically all comes out. Pretty graphic. I went to the loo myself at one point and someone had left one of these containers in there. Not nice. Probably wouldn't have been able to cope looking at it if I hadn't seen it all before, not that I've been through abortion, but at the age of 17 I did have a miscarriage under 10 weeks. That was definitely more horrible though I think, I didn't get pain killers or hospital conditions - I just sat at home in pain :(

Equally as distressing is typing 'abortion' into Google Images. Seriously. Don't do it!

I'm assuming due to the lack of NHS funding and overcrowding in these places was the reason for 4 beds in one room separated by a curtain. You can hear everything that's going on in all the other beds, it's not really too nice hearing another woman telling her partner or the nurse about what's being 'expelled' into the cardboard cowboy hats... Although probably the most distressing part was hearing a 15yr old girl sobbing.

Most amusing thing of the day was definitely walking into the waiting area and seeing 'The Book of Mormon' sat there on the book shelf... Oh the irony of it!

Barack Obama - The first 'Pro-Abortion' US President
I can't say I totally agree with aborting a pregnancy. In fact, I don't agree with it at all. However, I feel like if it's in the best interest of the potential mother, then it should be ok. My friend was doing it because she's in her 2nd year of Uni and couldn't financially support a child at this time in her life. The 15 year old, well, she's 15. I just worry that it would emotionally mess up a person, both in the short and long terms, knowing that they've basically killed their own child.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

American Ignorance

The following is a random conversation I had on Omegle with an american from Utah.

WARNING: This conversation is totally shocking due to this kids total ignorance of the World and general life. Seriously funny.

Stranger: Hey I'm totally from Utah, I'm Awesome because us Salt Lakers emit Awesomeness right!? XD
You: haha are you really?
You: i'm from the uk, bristol
Stranger: OMG Like totally! I Love Utah also, you should seriously be Utahnized!
Stranger: And OMG I've been to New Britain Conneticut!
Stranger: Totally Awesome! XD
You: haha if you're from utah are you mormon?
Stranger: Haha No lol, I'm not Religious, by my dad Hunts Buffalos :P
Stranger: Its Awesome!
Stranger: Its like, We are a great big Emission of Awesomeness! You have to come here! XD
You: haha
You: i got an offer like that before but from a mormon
Stranger: OMG No Way!!! Its like, you only get them here, but OMG My cousin lives in Michigan and hes like, OMG I don't like them because he saw one in Detroit once right?! XD
Stranger: Its just like, How do you get them in Detroit once right?! I was like... ARE YOU KIDDING OH EM GEE!!!
Stranger: XD
You: half my family are mormon...
You: so pretty sure you dont just get them in utah!
Stranger: OMG Are you kidding!!
You: no!
Stranger: OMG Where else?! Like, in Idaho, thats where Potatoes come from!!!
You: like in the uk, where I'm from, and across most of the world!?
Stranger: OMG New Britain is totally Awesome, my Grans been there she was like, she met this guy, and asked him if he considers himself like New British, he was like, totally dude! XD
You: new britain isn't britain though? haha
You: england is where i'm from, that's real britain...
Stranger: Oh My God New England emits Awesomeness! I love NY, Been to NYC everybody has an Awesome Rating of like, 10/10 right!! And oh do you mean like, Euro England, where like, The queen lives?! OMG Do you know the Queen?! XD
You: Yes, like euro england
You: Yes, like where the queen lives
You: i know of the queen yeah, not personally though
Stranger: OMG I bet shes like, I'm soo Awesome everyone bow to my Awesomeness Because I have an Awesome Accent!!!
You: Haha, i have that accent!
Stranger: OMG That must be like, your speech must be a total 100% Emission of Awesomeness!!! XD Love Brit Accents, they are just like... Totally Oh Em Gee because like my Bro met one Brit Guy once right, he was like "Hello" And he was like, OMG Your English that must be a great Awesome Feeling right!! XD
You: yeah being british is pretty cool
You: Our prince/future King just got married. That was lots of fun. We had street parties and stuff.
Stranger: OMG And your like totally Cornwall right, thats like totally, CornSOME!!!! OMG!
You: cornwall? No i'm not from cornwall
Stranger: Thats Bristol Accent right?!
Stranger: Cornwall XD
You: haha no, cornwall is further south
Stranger: But OMG Your Rivals Are like Plymouth Panthers right?! XD And Oh XD
You: but i'm from london originally, and i sound normal british, like the queen or whatever, not bristolian
Stranger: OMG London is like, totally Awesome, I've been to that Kent Suburbs place called Greenwich!!! Everyone is so like, Greenwich!!! LOL AWESOMENESS ALERT!! XD
You: haha do you say it 'green' 'which'? because it's actually pronounced 'gren-itch'
Stranger: OMG Its totally like Green Which!!
You: hahahahha that's amazing
Stranger: I wish like, UK was a US State, you guys should be, you speak English like us, and you could be American right! How Awesome would that be, We'd have a New England and an Old England haha AWESOME! XD
You: but you came 2nd in history, england came first
Stranger: 2nd?! OMG Like in Soccer World cup right?! XD
You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-ywBPdkCGk - that is what bristolians sound like - justin lee collins
You: no no, like in history. America the country wasn't founded until like the 1700's, but england has been around much longer
Stranger: OMG Really?! I thought like, We Americans were like Roaming in North America being Awesome or whatever haha XD And you guys came over some time in like 1400 and like, totally like took over and made some kind of colony right!? Then we like fought back right?! And like, didn't you guys invent a York place from NYC! XD
You: haha no no that's not what happened. English and spanish people etc came over from the uk and spain and colonised in america - and made 'America'
You: the 'americans' that were roaming are the native americans, aka the red indians, most of them have died out tho
Stranger: OMG Indians are actually Americans, I thought like we were like the real Americans XD
You: so americans all used to be from england or spain or wherever
You: not actual indians from india! oh dear!
Stranger: OMG Do you mean like those Feather headed people in Tribes, they emit Awesomeness But I don't ever see any! XD
Stranger: XD
You: yeah the people with feather hats in tribes - they dont really exist anymore
You: but if you trace your family history - your ancestors are like from europe probably, or africa if you're black, but if you're from utah you're probably more likely to be white, right?
Stranger: OMG Its so sad, why would Spanish people do that, and us Americans obviously saw that like Atrocity right?! And we were like, "RIGHT, FOR THAT REASON WE'RE NOT GONNA SPEAK SPANISH, WE'RE GONNA SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH YOU SPANISH UNAWESOME PEOPLE" XD!! And OMG My Family are European, but like doesn't that mean Like, They could be like English or Swedish or German or like New Zealand or Russian right?! XD
You: but there's loads of spanish speaking places in the US?! but that's more from south america, not spain
You: and yeah, your ancesters could be like from england or sweden or germany yeah
Stranger: OMG They speak Spanish somewhere in Alabama OMG! Awesome!
You: new zealand isn't europe
Stranger: Really?! XD LOL
You: they speak spanish in texas a bit
You: new zealand is next to australia
Stranger: Oh Em Gee I thought they totally all spoke American English because like, My Bro went there also and was like, OMG You live in a trailer right?! And yeah Australia is Europe isn't it?! LOL
You: no australia isnt europe
Stranger: OMG But they speak English!
You: Yes, because they were english a long long time ago
You: like america, the english went over there and colonised
Stranger: OMG I thought like Australia was a part of Britain because like I saw there flag and I was like, right you are totally English!
Stranger: OMG
You: they had tribes of indigenous people in australia first
Stranger: OMG Were they Red people as well, like Red Indian people XD
You: but yeah, we colonised australia - it was part of the british empire in the 1900's
You: kinda, but not actual red people...
You: omg, you're actually the funniest american ever
Stranger: Haha Thanks XD
Stranger: OMG Do you like, Emit Awesomeness wherever you go, I bet you do, you talk like on here like a Total Missourian right?! Because you're like totally 100% Awesome rating is off the like, top floor! And I'm 18 and I am AWESOME XD
You: oh cool, i'm 19
Stranger: I love that Soccer game you all PLAY Over in Britain UK Is amazing!
Stranger: And wait a minute
You: what? football?
Stranger: Do you like that Chelsea Blue Socks team!
You: haha no
Stranger: Don't tell me you like those Manchester Blue Devils, I like Man Reds1
You: man united are the red ones?
Stranger: And I watch that 2nd League thing, I love that Orange Timeberwolf team!
You: man city are the blue ones?
Stranger: OH XD
Stranger: Orange Timberwolves are Awesome! XD That Premier team, they're like OMG Awesome! WolfHampton Orange Timberwolves or Something
Stranger: Awesomeness Team!
You: wolverhampton?!
Stranger: OMG Ya!
Stranger: Like Orange Timeberwolves I call them
Stranger: they are Awesome!
You: lmao you are hilarious
Stranger: I also love that Queens Park Panthers team!
Stranger: They rock Awesomeness!
You: queens park rangers?
Stranger: OMG Thats it!
Stranger: But I also Support that Stoke Red Stripers!
You: stoke on trent?
Stranger: OMG They are like that Red striped team in the top League right?!
Stranger: Stoke Reds!
Stranger: They emit Awesomeness!
Stranger: And OMG
Stranger: I also love Portsmouthampton Pirate team or Whatever they are!
Stranger: Awesome! XD
You: portsmouth
You: or southampton?
Stranger: OMG Its that Blue team with the Star, Portsmouth Stars right!
Stranger: XD
Stranger: And Watfordshire Wasps!
Stranger: Awesome!
Stranger: OMG I actually know Some Soccer club players1
Stranger: OMG Wait Ill tell you some!
You: football... ok lol
Stranger: That guy, called Horsefield Guy hes Awesome! My Bro Told me about him!
Stranger: OMG And I've heard of a Goalsaving position guy called Jersey Dude or something, he should be Americanized and call NEW JERSEY DUDE RIGHT! xd
You: Geoff Horsfield?
Stranger: OMG Hes Awesome Striking Position!
Stranger: What do you think of Jersey Dude?!
Stranger: And should he be called New Jersey Dude and play for USA XD
You: and jerzy dudek? hah
Stranger: OMg Thats it!
Stranger: OMG And Andrew Stubbs!
Stranger: Hes Awesome, better than that Brazillian Perles!
Stranger: And OMG Canadian Mark Pooming!

I'm not exactly sure what to say about this. Other than that the stereotype of many american's appears to be true...

Monday 16 May 2011

Hen Do? Hen Don't...

So Hen Nights. Supposedly a night of fun and freedom just before you sign your life away to live in marital harmony...

Not this one.

There's been a lot of the 'Bride Wars' type of thing going on between my cousins this year, three of whom are getting married this year.

My 25 year old female cousin is getting married this coming saturday and had her Hen night this saturday just gone. Sadly for her she's a bit of a bitch and consequently hasn't got many friends... Thanks to the lack of friends she invited a few of her female cousins and her aunties to attend her 'Hen Night'.

Bear in mind the Mormon-ness of my family...

She chose, for her 'hen night' to go to a tiny, horrible little greek restaurant in St. Albans called 'Anastacias'

It was unbelievably awkward. We all just sat and talked amongst ourselves.

Me and my mum had decided to give a hen-present - traditionally something amusing that'll help the hen in their married life.

We gave 'The Good Housewife Kit' and included things like clothes pegs, aprons, wooden spoons, cookbooks, dustpan & brush and air freshener with funny tags on them. For example, the pegs said 'For putting on your nose when you haven't done the washing', and air freshener said 'Hurts less than pegs'.

The moral of this story is: Never go on a Mormon Hen Night to which the family is invited and which is being held in a nasty little restaurant. (See below for my review of the restaurant)

Anastacia's: 97 St Peters Street, Saint Albans AL1 3EN, UK

My Review of the Restaurant on Trip Advisor:
"We were a group of 14 people. We first walked in and were shown to our table, in the middle of the restaurant. We were squeezed in, there was definitely not enough room to swing a cat. We ordered some drinks, but were then told that we were not allowed to add them to a tab, and had to pay then and there.
The toilets were filthy. They need major cleaning, and a good lick of paint. They were tiny, nowhere to even put your bag, and I was certainly not about to put it on the filthy floor. And a major hazard, if you are washing your hands and someone comes in quickly, you're going to get bashed by the door.
The food was awful. We had some kind of meze/tapas thing. The pitta bread was very dry. None of it looks particularly appetising. The most appetising looking part was the calamari, but it was majorly over-cooked, very very rubbery and tough.
The greek salad of feta cheese and olives was the nicest part, and the olives had the stones left in! We were then told that in the £25 per person price, that dessert was not included and that it would be an extra £5 per person.
Half way through our meal, a larger, rowdier hen party arrived, their table just across from us. There was no room to get in between the two tables. Ridiculously noisy.
We were told that When we were ready to leave (myself and my mum left just before the rest of the group) we went to pay for ourselves. The owner/waiter told us that we had to pay for other drinks that had been left on the tab even though they were not ours and we had been told to pay for our drinks earlier. He was very rude and would not accept that although the rest of the party was still seated, that the drinks would be paid for by the people that had them. We had to go back up to the table and get one of our group to accompany us back to the till to explain that they would pay for their own drinks. They were extremely rude to us and it was just yet one more thing to convince us to never return."

Eurovision 2011

So, I'm not going to lie, I absolutely LOVE Eurovision! My Uncle, who is touring Germany in some kind of acting troop managed to get tickets and was actually there!

This year (for the second year in a row) I didn't get to watch Eurovision live, thanks to that god awful hen night! (See the Hen Night blog post...) I've managed to avoid any tip-off's as to who won etc and so now I'm watching it currently via BBC iPlayer. So you can have my ongoing commentary.

First thing's first. What the bloody hell were Germany doing at the beginning?! Yeah, let's get 43 lookalike's of last years winner, Lena. Wtf. German's are mental!

Finland 2011
01 Finland - Wow, Finland's act is hot! I'd have voted for him just for that. Phwoar! Very different song to the one they won with a couple of years back - Lordi's 'Hard Rock Hallelujah' - A song I actually happen to have on iTunes.

02 Bosnia & Herzegovina - So clearly B&H are totally insane too. They seem like they've gone for a very Eastern European/Romany Gypsy style, fair enough really as that's where they're from...
03 Denmark - Really strange hairstyle and wardrobe choices, emo rocker it seems with the skinny jeans. Not a bad song though to be honest.
04 Lithuania - Loving her dress. Very boring song though... Don't get the sign language bit, as Graham Norton said, really shows they've thought about the deaf people that watch the show...
05 Hungary - Brilliant. This is much more Eurovisiony than the first five songs! She can't sing though... Love the three Hungarian Butcher-like men dancing about. Hilarious!

Graham Norton: 'Duncan from Blue has declared this to be his favourite song in the whole competition. Not sure if that says more about Duncan from Blue, or the whole competition...'

Jedward. Mental.
Jake (Tweenies)
06 Ireland - The one I've been waiting for. Jedward. Thought they'd have picked a different song. But this is a pretty catchy song 'Lipstick'. They also don't seem to be able to sing live... God knows how they got so far through the xfactor! Their backing singers seem to be even worse than them though?!
I think I've finally realised what Jedward remind me of - Jake from the tweenies.

Eric Sade of Sweden
07 Sweden - Wow. Why is he in a glass box?! Did he just smash his way out of it?! I do like their song though. And he's not bad looking either! Maybe even better than Finland?
Graham Norton: 'He looks like a nice boy that's fallen in with the wrong lot'

08 Estonia - Wtf. Actually awful. Costumes, props, choreography, the song. Don't think I can comment more than that!
09 Greece - Oh dear... Pretty impressive break-dancing though!
10 Russia - Not too bad really tbh. Apparently the song was written by the same guy that wrote Lady Gaga's Pokerface.
11 France - So he's supposed to be the youngest tenor in Europe or something. He's the only one that can sing so far, although he needs to brush his hair. I do like the scenery though.
12 Italy - They haven't been in the Eurovision Song Contest for 14 years, the last time we won too. Oh, not going to lie, I love their song. Yes Italy!
13 Switzerland - I also like this one. Apparently she was found by a musician or producer or someone while she was busking on the streets. Interesting...

One hour in. 2.5 hours left! Ouch.

Blue of the UK
14 United Kingdom - Blue, pretty popular in the UK in the 90's. Singing 'I Can'. Surprising that they'd want to do something like this, but I suppose if they get popular again from it, then that might explain it.

15 Moldova - Bloody hell. Definitely insane enough to win. Why is there a fairy/pixie riding about on a unicycle!? Wow. Loving the mental hats haha!

16 Germany - Lena, last year's winner defending her title. She actually isn't that bad. And she's pretty attractive. Don't really understand why there's people in those body suits dancing about... 
Graham Norton 'If dancers can look that bad in those costumes, imagine what normal people would look like!'

17 Romania - Love how Romania was represented by Romanian Grafitti artists living in Germany. What's going on with their exuberant piano player and the stripy trousers and tartan waistcoat combination!?! Haha!

18 Austria - Not the worst song ever... Insane heels!
19 Azerbaijan - I quite like the song, not so great performed live though. I have a feeling I've heard it before. Maybe on the radio? Weird!
Ukraine's Sand Painting...
20 Slovenia - Wow, that dress! I think I like this song too. Rather a lot of cleavage going on here..!

Don't worry, just 5 left... :S

21 Iceland & 22 Spain - No significant comments... Getting bored!
Serbia revisiting the 60's...

23 Ukraine - Sand Painting?! Yet again, Loving the dress...

24 Serbia - Oh hello 60's! It's a Serbian version of Austin Powers or something. Scary Shit!

25 Georgia - Save the best til last? Or not... Holy shit. Wtf is going on with her dress! Haha. I do like it tho, a bit...

The end. Thank god. I love it, I really do. But this year's was just a bit tedious!

And now the results...

Oh my god! 4 countries have voted and the UK are top on the scoreboard?! Wowee!

The final scoreboard:

Ok, so Azerbaijan won with 221. The United Kingdom with 100 in 11th place, did 10 times better than last year! Azerbaijan weren't even that great?! Madness!

Turns out I definitely have heard it before, on the radio...

So the first thing I do, google flights and hotels to Azerbaijan for May 2012. Haha!

Wednesday 11 May 2011


It is quite difficult to write about such things without sounding prejudiced, or sexist, but still giving it a humourous spin. I'll give it a go...!

Just to clarify, I don't personally think I am a lesbian. This is merely about the strange exposure to lesbianism I seem to have had recently.

I was brought up as a Mormon. For those who don't know, a lot of mormon kids seem to be pretty sheltered by their parents. As a child/pre-adolescent teen, I wasn't exposed to films rated over 15, allowed to listen to music with swearing, or watch TV with 'inappropriate content' - this included soaps like Eastenders or even Grange Hill.

Consequently my 'gay-dar' is atrocious. I find it really difficult to spot gay people for the simple fact that I don't really expect it of people. Someone else usually would have to point it out to me before I realised. Unless it was super-obvious, which is a bit different I suppose.

As previously stated, I have had a lot of 'exposure' to homosexuality lately. My boss is 'bisexual' and lives with her very gay girlfriend (who I also work with). I've worked there for nearly two years now but only found this out about 6 months ago (despite their relationship having been going on for over a year...) I was really surprised! I didn't even click!

I spent the day with my boss on Saturday. Not going to lie, it was very interesting. Especially as she seems really up for maybe getting married to a man and having kids in a few years. She's also quite hard on her girlfriend for being a full lesbian. Anyway, I've never really spent social time with a lesbian/bisexual person before, and it was a bit weird for me (thanks to my upbringing) to find her such a normal kind of person to hang out with, not in a sexist way, but in a naive way.

I also recently found out that one of the trainee managers (who has moved away now) was also gay, yet another shock! Only guessed because of all the gay banter about and with her.

There's a woman/man in the coffee shop across the road that apparently had a sex-change from a male to female and is rumoured to still has a wife and kids. This I find incredibly strange. How and why would a woman let her husband go off and get a sex change?! What about the kids?!

There's also some random woman in the kitchen that is definitely a gay. 

Anyway, not really sure what else to write about, other than that there's a lot of rumours going around that I'm a lesbian - which I'm not btw.

So, Some Amusing Quotes...

"Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a rather archaic usage of the word. Should one of you boys happen upon a girl who doesn't put out, do not jump to the conclusion that you have found a lady. What you have probably found is a lesbian."
Fran Lebowitz

"It's so tiring to make love to women, it takes forever. I'm too lazy to be a lesbian."
Camille Paglia

"I am not a lesbian and I am not a slut, and somehow I am going to make people believe me."
Vanessa Williams 

"I am not, I repeat, NOT a lesbian - even though I'd like to be one when I grow up."
Dawn French

Monday 9 May 2011

Google's Mr. Men & Little Miss

Mr. Happy
Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Naughty
Mr. Funny
Little Miss Tiny
Mr. Messy
Little Miss Shy
Mr. Rush
Mr. Tickle
Little Miss Magic
Little Miss Curious
Mr. Forgetful
Little Miss Chatterbox
Mr. Slow
Mr. Bump

Mr. Dizzy

...In Celebration of Roger Hargreaves 76th Birthday

Friday 6 May 2011

She drives a Vegetable Car...

...Diesel, Mercedes, Green, Two Door.

Vegetable Car by Joshua Radin

Slightly obsessed with this at the moment. It's just so chilled out and nice!

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

A friend of mine has a blog on Tumblr - http://watie.tumblr.com/ - which I just managed to spend about 2 hours looking at. She's put up some really inspiring and wonderful images on there.

I went to the Musee de Pompidou in Paris, France in February 2010. In the gallery they had an exhibition of Women very interesting, but also really weird. I have also visited The Louvre, home to some really wonderful pieces of art, and some very famous paintings, such as the Mona Lisa, and also some very famous statues, such as 'Aprodite' known as 'Venus de Milo'.

I find art so inspiring, but yet, so pointless! I can waste hours and hours looking at it, but not gain anything much from it, and it's not like it really has a purpose other than that.

I'm really very creative myself, but I just feel that what I create needs to have a purpose in life, like jewelry that can be worn, or cards that can be sent.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just don't understand 'Art'. Not in the photographic/sculptural kind of forms anyway. Deep down I know that I couldn't do without it. Alternatively, Music, film and literature I love without question.

Wikipedia describes art as:

'The product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect.

It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography,sculpture, and paintings.

The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics, and even disciplines such as history and psychology analyze its relationship with humans and generations.

Traditionally, the term 'art' was used to refer to any skill or mastery. 

This conception changed during the Romantic period, when art came to be seen as "a special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science". 

Generally, art is made with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions'

I'd love to get into Photography, I have friends that are really good at capturing a really beautiful image. But I've never been that great at it, maybe because I don't have the patience? Or maybe because I don't have a good enough camera?

Children should be seen and not heard

Youngest Kids to get ASBOs (11 & 12yrs)
"Bloody fuck. Let's go, that fucking bastard woman looks fierce"

(Note the conjoining contradictory terms)

10 year olds should not know this kind of language, mainly because they do not know how to use it, consequently using it inappropriately and superfluously, but also because they are 10.

The story behind this is that there were a pack of wild 10 year olds hanging around outside my house at around 8pm GMT (much too late for kids of that age to be wandering the streets unsupervised if you ask me) shouting, fighting and generally disturbing the peace.

Due to my current state of un-well being, I watched them for a couple of minutes before, after one decided to climb up the garden to retrieve a balloon, to tell them to 'go away please'.

Any self-respecting teenager would probably have gone pretty quickly - perhaps with the remark 'ah shit, let's go else that bitch will call the police', but this for once was not the case. For some reason the children seemed stunned that I'd called from the window to tell them to please leave, and decided that hanging about and shouting some more would be the appropriate option.
But I'm not one to give up easily.

I wanted to continue chilling out in peace and was not about to simply close the window and ignore them. Glaring at them with a look that could kill they slowly started to get the hint, but it still took at least another 3 minutes before they'd completely cleared the area and run off.

I do wonder often times what schools actually teach children, and really do think that parents should play a bigger part in the disciplining of their otherwise future ASBO children.

I certainly would not let my children be getting up to the kinds of things those young'uns were playing at! And to be perfectly honest it's children like that that completely put me off conceiving and bearing offspring.

Oh, and my rock garden is now covered in Balloon remains as the thoughtless children decided popping them on the roses was their best idea of the evening. Eurgh. Disgraceful!

An interesting article: The Worst Your Kid Can Do - includes a brilliant list 'What those Brats can do'

A brilliant banned commercial that I feel sums up my thoughts on this completely!