This week I have had a bit of an obsession with Greek mythology. No wonder really, the Greeks are pretty interesting running around naked (literally, google 'greek olympics') and getting with every man, woman and family member possible. This educational googling madness all started when trying to decide what to name this blog, wanting something witty yet descriptive, but also with deeper meaning.
I was considering something to do with the 'nymphs'. For those of you who do not know, nymphs were basically gods of particular nature groups, for example oak trees, fountains or clouds. Always young, female and beautiful they are protective of their designated location or landform and consistently appear as sexual predators or victims throughout greek mythology (see this link for the story of Hylas and the Nymphs).
You only have to open Urban Dictionary to see all the modern sexual connotations of 'nymphs'- from the more innocent 'sexually desirable young woman', to more explicit 'horny female', 'girl that craves sexual satisfaction constantly'.
Ultimately, in life I probably am what some would call 'a bit of a nymph', and where as I would like to say I am merely a 'sexually desirable young women' I'm sure a fair few would disagree and say the connotations extend much further than this. No doubt as I open up to the 'blogosphere' and followers get to know me they will get to know just what I mean!

I must admit I do love her just a bit. She's got a lot going for her really - her history of selling her soul to Hades in exchange for the release of her lover from Hell (turns out to be Adonis, favourite mortal of Aphrodite - God of Love, Beauty and Sexuality), all in all proof she's a romantic. She's also got strong independance and ability to trick a demi-god in order to get what she wants from Hades - her freedom. Ultimately though, she is a total damsel in distress needing to be saved at least twice in the Disney film (and more but other times she'd set it up herself). Also for a cartoon character she's pretty damn attractive what with her slim waist and lovely thick curly hair - and an awesome dress! She also sings what is definitely up there in the top 5 best Disney songs of all time! (See below)
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