Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Piece of Me

So in the musical world of me I'm currently completely obsessed with Britney's new album - 'Femme Fatale' which has now been on repeat for a whole day. Give it another day or two and I'll probably never want to listen to it again, but in the mean time I though I'd express my views on the contraversial topic of Miss Britney Spears.

I know everyone says that they hate her, but we all know that deep down life wouldn't be the same without Britney Spears. Who else would you have given us the hairbrush number 'Stronger' and filled our teen magazines with endless stories from the surreal world of the rich and famous for the past 15 years?

I, for one, really love her. Short of making a youtube video telling the world to 'leave britney alone', I do honestly think she's got a hell of a lot of bad press. I'm not denying she's done some pretty mental shit - shaving her head being just one in a catalogue of insanities, but one does think that it might be due to her being thrust into the publics eye and becoming so famous at such a young age.

Britney isn't even the only example of child-stars going a bit insane. Disney made star, Vanessa Hudgens had semi-naked self-taken photos leaked across the web world. Our dear Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) has also been shown 'accidently' letting a nip-slip and flaunting a bit of underwear to get a bit of extra media attention [now at 21, she's the new face of Lancome Paris, so things seem to be going well for her].

Ultimately I think the media should at least be giving celebrities a fighting chance to live their own life and turn out ok. I'm pretty sure that excessive media attention is actually not good for a person at all. Imagine being followed every time you left your house! I certainly don't think I could cope. No wonder Miss Spears went a bit crazy!

It's All Greek

As previously stated in my 'about me' section, I get random obsessions with topics of learning and research it endlessly until I get bored and move on to the next thing - I kind of miss primary school for this reason as it was the time of 'Victorian Week' and 'Farming Week' and 'Roald Dahl Week'. I often find short projects much more preferable due to my somewhat short attention span and fluctuating motivation levels.

This week I have had a bit of an obsession with Greek mythology. No wonder really, the Greeks are pretty interesting running around naked (literally, google 'greek olympics') and getting with every man, woman and family member possible. This educational googling madness all started when trying to decide what to name this blog, wanting something witty yet descriptive, but also with deeper meaning.

I was considering something to do with the 'nymphs'. For those of you who do not know, nymphs were basically gods of particular nature groups, for example oak trees, fountains or clouds. Always young, female and beautiful they are protective of their designated location or landform and consistently appear as sexual predators or victims throughout greek mythology (see this link for the story of Hylas and the Nymphs).

You only have to open Urban Dictionary to see all the modern sexual connotations of 'nymphs'- from the more innocent 'sexually desirable young woman', to more explicit 'horny female', 'girl that craves sexual satisfaction constantly'.

Ultimately, in life I probably am what some would call 'a bit of a nymph', and where as I would like to say I am merely a 'sexually desirable young women' I'm sure a fair few would disagree and say the connotations extend much further than this. No doubt as I open up to the 'blogosphere' and followers get to know me they will get to know just what I mean!

Currently my account photo is also of Disney's depiction of 'Megara' from Hercules (also related to this Greek Mythology melarkey!)
I must admit I do love her just a bit. She's got a lot going for her really - her history of selling her soul to Hades in exchange for the release of her lover from Hell (turns out to be Adonis, favourite mortal of Aphrodite - God of Love, Beauty and Sexuality), all in all proof she's a romantic. She's also got strong independance and ability to trick a demi-god in order to get what she wants from Hades - her freedom. Ultimately though, she is a total damsel in distress needing to be saved at least twice in the Disney film (and more but other times she'd set it up herself). Also for a cartoon character she's pretty damn attractive what with her slim waist and lovely thick curly hair - and an awesome dress! She also sings what is definitely up there in the top 5 best Disney songs of all time! (See below)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Third time lucky

First post and it's one filled with good news, for today, after two previous attempts I have finally passed my driving test!!

Earlier however, I worked out just how much money I have spent on driving lessons and tests over the last two and a half years, and it came to over £1000, an utterly shocking figure!

Equally depressing is that now I can legally drive I have the financial burden of getting a car and insurance. (I do in fact already own a car, a 1991 white Rover Metro with no MOT, Tax or insurance, or even life left in it!) Luckily for me, a few weeks ago my Aunt offered me my cousin's old black ford fiesta for free, so I'm awaiting news see if that's still available, in which case I only have to worry about insurance. After browsing '' and direct line for car insurance quotes, I found out that the average insurance cost for a 20 yr old female noobie driver comes to approximately £1800 - a pretty extortionate amount if you ask me! Interestingly enough it appears that young drivers in Northern Ireland have it even worse, according to a BBC News article.

But I ask, how exactly young people are meant to cope these days when daily essentials are getting increasingly more and more expensive; just purchasing car insurance is majorly breaking the bank and jumping on the housing ladder seems like a endlessly impossible challenge for people with money to spare, let alone those even without savings!!